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Giving Ministry (GM) : Sebuah pelayanan kerohanian yang bersifat INTERDENOMINASI yang berada dibawah naungan Yayasan Giving Indonesia (YGI).
Lahir di kota Medan-Indonesia, 31 Januari 2009.

VISI : Menjadi tempat persemaian bagi anak-anak Tuhan untuk menggali dan mengembangkan POTENSI baik secara PROFESIONAL dan APOSTOLIK agar berbuah dan siap memberkati kota Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia dan Bangsa-bangsa.

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012


Di dalam kitab Galatia kita bisa melihat beban Paulus dalam pelayanannya, yaitu melayankan Kristus. Kristus yang dilayankan kepada orang-orang bersifat progresif.

Gal 1:16  To reveal His Son in me that I might announce Him as the gospel among the Gentiles
Gal 2:20  but it is Christ who lives in me
Gal 4:19  travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you,

Pertama adalah Kristus yang diwahyukan didalam kita (Gal1:16), kemudian Kristus yang diperhidupkan didalam kita (Gal 2:20), dan pada akhirnya Kristus akan terbentuk didalam kita (Gal 4:19). Ini adalah fokus dari pelayanan Paulus. Kita bisa memiliki banyak pelayanan, tetapi jika fokusnya bukan untuk melayankan Kristus, maka pelayanan itu tidak terhitung. 
Kita seperti membangun dengan jerami dan rumput kering. Semoga Tuhan membuka mata rohani kita, bahwa yang terhitung dalam pelayanan adalah Kristus yang diwahyukan, Kristus yang diperhidupkan, dan Kristus yang terbentuk didalam kita dan orang-orang yang kita layani. Amin!

O Lord, open our spiritual eyes to see this.

further reading: Life-Study of Galatians chapter 23 - W. Lee
"Paul’s burden was not to carry on a Christian work, but was to minister Christ to the believers, to labor that Christ might be formed in them (v. 19). It is possible to work for the Lord and to help the saints, without having the burden to minister Christ to them. We may earnestly work for Christ without having any burden to see Christ formed in the saints.

Paul was in travail that Christ might be formed in the Galatians. Christ, a living Person, is the focus of Paul’s gospel. His preaching is to bring forth Christ, the Son of the living God, in the believers. This differs greatly from the teaching of the law in letters. Hence, the book of Galatians is emphatically Christ-centered. Christ was crucified (3:1) to redeem us out of the curse of the law (3:13) and rescue us out of the evil religious course of the world (1:4); and He was resurrected from among the dead (1:1) that He might live in us (2:20). We were baptized into Him, identified with Him, and have put on Him, have clothed ourselves with Him (3:27). Thus, we are in Him (3:28) and have become His (3:29; 5:24). On the other hand, He has been revealed in us (1:16), He is now living in us (2:20), and He will be formed in us (4:19). It is to Him the law has conducted us (3:24), and in Him we are all sons of God (3:26). It is in Him that we inherit God’s promised blessing and enjoy the all-inclusive Spirit (3:14). It is also in Him that we are all one (3:28). We should not be deprived of all profit from Him and so be severed from Him (5:4). We need Him to supply us with His grace in our spirit (6:18) that we may live Him."


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